"Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture Montanology Cadastre Series " https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc <p class="p1"><span class="s1">Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series - publishes original research papers in any branch of Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre. Its policy is to feature a wide variety of research areas and it welcomes the submission of papers from all parts of the world.</span></p> <p class="p1"><a title="Creative Commons License" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="s1"><img src="https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/public/site/images/mariana/image2.png" alt="" /></span></a></p> en-US mniculescum@yahoo.com (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mariana NICULESCU) aamc.craiova@gmail.com (AAMC Support) Fri, 27 Dec 2024 15:35:42 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING BIOLOGY AND HEALTH EDUCATION BY USING INTERACTIVE METHODS https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1565 <p>The aim of the article is to research the effectiveness of teaching health education by using interactive methods in Biology and Health Education lessons. The experiment covers 108 students, divided into two groups - experimental (E1) and control (E2). <em>The analysis of the research results is carried out according to the following indicators: amount of knowledge; meaningfulness of knowledge; knowledge transfer. The results show that the use of interactive methods in teaching the subject matter to 7th grade students produced better results in all three experimental topics compared to lessons taught only by using a traditional teaching model. The students' knowledge of E1, where different interactive methods were applied, such as the method of associations using mind maps, role-plays and case studies, was more complete. The students of E1 did better, as in all three lessons they worked in teams, discussed, debated, analyzed and drew conclusions, while the students of E2 showed more gaps in their knowledge. E1 students did better when solving tasks that put them in a non-standard situation, in contrast to E2 students, who had greater difficulties in applying theoretical knowledge to practice.</em></p> Rositsa DAVIDOVA, Irena VALCHEVA Copyright (c) 2025 Rositsa DAVIDOVA, Irena VALCHEVA https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1565 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF SOME FOLIAR FERTILIZERS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN CITRULLUS LANATUS (THUNB.) MATSUM. & NAKAI PLANTS CULTIVATED IN THE CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF THE OLTENIA REGION - ROMANIA https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1570 <p><em>Researches regarding the influence of of some foliar fertilizers on the physiological processes were carried out on Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. &amp; Nakai plants, Oltenia variety, cultivated in the Oltenia region - Romania. The physiological analyses carried out according to the climatic conditions on June 30th 2023, both for watermelon plants fertilized with Green-Top and also for the watermelon plants in which fertilized have not been performed.</em><br><em>In fertilized plants, compared to non-fertilized plants, it was observed that the intensity of physiological processes has higher values as a result of the application of foliar fertilizer with a positive effect on plants growth and development. In the fertilized plants were recorded higher values of chlorophyll content, thus existing a positive correlation between this content and the photosynthesis intensity. Fertilized plants also had a higher water content and a lower dry matter content, compared to unfertilized plants.</em></p> Ion NICOLAE , Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR Copyright (c) 2025 Ion NICOLAE , Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1570 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF MCPA (2-METHYL-4-CHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID) IN THE CONTROL OF CIRSIUM ARVENSE AND TARAXACUM OFFICINALE SPECIES IN GRASSLAND ECOSYSTEMS https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1575 <p><em>This study aimed to determine the impact of MCPA (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) in reducing Cirsium arvense and Taraxacum officinale species in grassland ecosystems. The presence of Cirsium arvense and Taraxacum officinale species represents an obstacle in the preservation and restoration of biodiversity in temporary meadows. At the same time, these species reduce the yield of meadows, a fact that requires the application of control methods. The practical ecosystem in which the study was carried out belongs to the town of Carani, Timiș county. To reduce the population of Cirsium arvense and Taraxacum officinale were applied three herbicides: MCPA 50% DMA, MCPA 75% DMA and Starane. Hormonal herbicides MCPA 50% DMA (0.9 l/ha, 1.2 l/ha, 1.5 l/ha, 2.0l/ha) and MCPA 75% DMA (0.6 l/ha, 0.8 l/ha, 1.0 l/ha, 1.3 l/ha) were applied in four doses. The impact of the substance MCPA, in the control of Cirsium arvense and Taraxacum officinale species, was determined at 15 – 28 and 42 days after application. The herbicides used in the experiment reduced Cirsium arvense and Taraxacum officinale populations in grassland ecosystems by 60-100%. The application of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), in different doses, led to a survival of common dandelio, in the experimental variants of 3.33 - 20%. The population being controlled in a proportion of 80-96.67%, 42 days after applying the treatments. The impact of the herbicide, hormonal, MCPA was lower in population control of Cirsium arvense. The effectiveness of the herbicides depended on both the active substance content and the applied dose.</em></p> Ramona ȘTEF, Veronica SĂRĂȚEANU, Ioana GROZEA, Otilia COTUNA, Ciprian STROIA, Dan MANEA, Alin CĂRĂBEȚ Copyright (c) 2025 Ramona ȘTEF, Veronica SĂRĂȚEANU, Ioana GROZEA, Otilia COTUNA, Ciprian STROIA, Dan MANEA, Alin CĂRĂBEȚ https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1575 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 STUDIES ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SPECIES FAGUS SYLVATICA L. IN THE CLIMATE CONDITIONS OF THE YEAR 2024 FROM THE PROTECTED AREA DOMOGLED-CERNA VALLEY https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1562 <p><em>The studies were carried out in 2024, starting from April and ending in October, in the Tesna Gorges and Stan's Peak Natural Reserves from the Domogled-Cerna Valley protected area. The processes targeted were photosynthesis, transpiration and leaf respiration. Also, were determined: cell sap concentration, osmotic pressure of mesophyll cells, total leaf water content, free and bound water.</em><br><em>The intensity of the photosynthesis process was determined in the year 2024 in each month of the vegetation period to make the seasonal variation graphs. After analyzing these graphs, it was found that the photosynthesis process recorded a maximum in June, followed by a reduction in the intensity of the process, although it was normal to remain at high values until the time of fruiting. The reduction in photosynthesis was due to very high temperatures associated with very low soil moisture.</em><br><em>The total reduced leaf water content recorded since July indicated a negative water balance caused by the very low amount of available water.</em></p> Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR, Ion NICOLAE Copyright (c) 2025 Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR, Ion NICOLAE https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1562 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 POLLEN GRAINS OF DIFFERENT DECIDUOUS TREES https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1568 <p><em>The study of pollen of deciduous trees helps us understand biological diversity, plant evolution and the impact of climate change on ecosystems. Deciduous trees play a crucial role in these studies due to their ecological and biological characteristics. Studying pollen can reveal how climate fluctuations influence vegetation. Changes in the patterns of rainfall and temperature can affect the pollination period and pollen production. Deciduous trees, through their adaptations, can provide clues about how ecosystems will behave in the face of future climate change. Analyses show that pollen grains have morphological characteristics that allow the identification of different species and genera of flowering plants. Pollen classification based on structural characteristics show great variation in size, shape, number of apertures and surface texture. The study of pollen of deciduous trees is essential for understanding the dynamics of forest ecosystems, providing insights into biodiversity and the adaptability of plants to environmental conditions.</em></p> Paula IANCU, Ovidiu PĂNIȚĂ, Marin SOARE Copyright (c) 2025 Paula IANCU, Ovidiu PĂNIȚĂ, Marin SOARE https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1568 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS. HISTORY AND METHODS OF THEIR REDUCTION THROUGH DIFFERENTIAL AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1573 <p><em>Human (anthropogenic) influence, mostly generalized industry, intensive conventional agriculture, traffic and others, causes the increase of concentration of greenhouse gases to a level by which significantly more heat is radiated back to the earth than it was in the initial state. This is how climate warming occurs. At the international level, periodic inventories are carried out that show the fact that the biosphere absorbs, approximately, half of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and at the terrestrial level, the carbon source and reserve is given by the northern hemisphere.</em><br><em>This study presents some results from the literature regarding the methods of C emissions reduction and its sequestration per surface unit, i.e. per hectare of agricultural crops, to increase the contribution of agriculture to environmental depollution. The used methods included searching of databases, such as Web of Science or Google Scholar, in order to identify some relevant results.</em><br><em>Reducing CO2 emissions can be achieved through biological, chemical and technological options, either by reducing or sequestering them.</em></p> Elena Cristina PRUNĂ (BÜHLER), Aurel Liviu OLARU, Cătălin Aurelian ROȘCULETE, Ramona Aida PĂUNESCU Copyright (c) 2025 Elena Cristina PRUNĂ (BÜHLER), Aurel Liviu OLARU, Cătălin Aurelian ROȘCULETE, Ramona Aida PĂUNESCU https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1573 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION REGARDING THE AVIFAUNA FROM CORCOVA AREA (MEHEDINȚI COUNTY) https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1560 <p><em>Preliminary data on the avifaunal diversity of the Corcova area (Mehedinți County) are presented in this study. Corcova commune, located in a hilly area, on the right bank of Motru River, in the eastern part of the Coșuștei Piedmont, is known as an important wine-growing center; the vineyards of Corcova were recognized in documents since the 15th century. The diversity of natural habitats (deciduous forests, meadows, pastures, hayfields, grassy lands, river courses, wetlands, ponds, riparian zones), which are interwoven with anthropogenic habitats (cultivated fields, access roads, rural perimeters, etc.) existing in the investigated area, represent suitable feeding, roosting and breeding sites for numerous bird species. The preliminary list includes 86 bird species observed in July-October 2023 and 2024. Of the birds highlighted, the species of European conservation concern listed in the Annexes of international legislation (Birds Directive EC /2009, Annex 1) caught our attention: Ciconia ciconia, Egretta garzetta, Pernis apivorus, Falco vespertinus, Alcedo atthis, Coracias garrulus, Picus canus, Dendrocoptes medius (Leiopicus medius), Dendrocopos syriacus, Lanius collurio, Ficedula albicollis, F. parva, Anthus campestris; and in need of conservation measures in order to mitigate the anthropogenic pressures and threats to which they are exposed (agricultural and forestry practices, extension of built-up areas, land use changes, fishing, etc.) and climatic pressures.</em></p> Carmen Daniela BĂLESCU, Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR Copyright (c) 2025 Carmen Daniela BĂLESCU, Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1560 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE MAIN BIOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEAVES OF THE LOCAL AND AUTOCHTHONOUS GRAPE CULTIVARS GROWN IN THE AMPELOGRAPHIC COLLECTION OF RDSVW DRĂGĂŞANI https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1566 <p><em>The study was carried out between 2020-2022 in the ampelographic collection of RDSVW Drăgăşani, on old local and autochthonous grape cultivars.The study followed the main biometric characteristics of the leaves, carried out by the Duncan method and the Tukey statistical test (p&lt;0.05), an in-depth analysis of the leaves of these grape cultivars, where the length of the leaf, the width of the foliar leaf, the leaf height, leaf radius, the perimeter of the leaf and petiole length. It can be seen that the differences are insignificant from the point of view of the average, the standard deviation and the Average +/- Standard Deviation ratio for all the leaves analyzed for each individual grape cultivar.</em></p> Sergiu-Ștefan GORJAN, Ionuţ BOŞTINARU, Raluca Iuliana POPESCU, Ion Bogdan TRUŞCĂ Copyright (c) 2025 Sergiu-Ștefan GORJAN, Ionuţ BOŞTINARU, Raluca Iuliana POPESCU, Ion Bogdan TRUŞCĂ https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1566 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF SOME FUNGICIDES ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN VITIS VINIFERA L. PLANTS ATTACKED BY GUIGNARDIA BIDWELLII (ELLIS) VIALA & RAVAZ https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1571 <p><em>Researches regarding the effect of some fungicides on the physiological processes were performed on Vitis vinifera L., Cardinal variety, cultivated in the Oltenia region. The physiological analyses were carried out according to the climatic conditions on July 14th 2023 in the treated plants with the fungicide and in the attacked plants by Guignardia bidwellii (Ellis) Viala &amp; Ravaz in which treatments with fungicide have not been performed. In the leaves of the Vitis vinifera L. plants attacked by the pathogen it was observed that the physiological processes’ intensity is lower as a result of the effects produced by the pathogen manifested by the appearance of circular spots, light brown with darker edges and then necrosis of the central portion of these spots. In the leaves of the attacked plants there were recorded lower values of chlorophyll content, compared to the leaves of the plants treated with fungicide, thus there is a positive correlation between the chlorophyll content and the intensity of photosynthesis.</em></p> Ion NICOLAE, Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR Copyright (c) 2025 Ion NICOLAE, Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1571 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF THE WEED SPECIES CIRSIUM ARVENSE (L.) SCOP. USING FUNGAL AGENTS – AN OVERVIEW https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1576 <p><em>In Romania, the field weed species Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. is native. In the last decade, the creeping thistle has become increasingly difficult to control due to agricultural systems based on monoculture and minimal or no tillage. The invasive nature of the species and its resistance to current herbicides make it increasingly difficult to control, especially in organic farms. Therefore, there is currently great interest in controlling the species with the help of biological agents. This review is based on extensive documentation on the use of fungal biological agents in the control of the creeping thistle. The studies reviewed show that there is interest in biological control, particularly in organic farming. Ten fungal biological agents with the potential to initiate infections in the creeping thistle are currently being investigated. The fungi tested are Puccinia punctiformis, Phomopsis cirsii, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Alternaria cirsinoxia, Phoma destructiva, Phoma exiqua, Stagonospora cirsii, Septoria cirsii, Phyllosticta cirsii and Fusarium sp. Of these, only Puccinia punctiformis, Phomopsis cirsii and Septoria cirsii have high and very high specificity for creeping thistle. The fungus Puccinia punctiformis stands out by the highest specificity and can be successfully used in the biological control of Cirsium arvense. However, the mass production of spores is tricky because there are no methods to cultivate this biotrophic fungus. Studies published between 2013 and 2024 show the high potential of Puccinia punctiformis to initiate infections that destroy or reduce the density of the creeping thistle in agricultural crops.</em></p> Alina Maria SURDULESCU, Otilia COTUNA, Veronica SĂRĂȚEANU, Mirela PARASCHIVU, Călin SĂLCEANU, Cornelia Ramona ȘTEF, Dan Nicolae MANEA Copyright (c) 2025 Alina Maria SURDULESCU, Otilia COTUNA, Veronica SĂRĂȚEANU, Mirela PARASCHIVU, Călin SĂLCEANU, Cornelia Ramona ȘTEF, Dan Nicolae MANEA https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1576 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 VARIATION IN THE CONCENTRATION OF HEMIN PROTEIN IN SWEETENED BLACK TEA https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1564 <p><em>Today, tea in the form of black or green tea, is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, next to water. About three billion kilograms of tea is produced and consumed yearly. Tea, made from the plant Camellia sinensis is consumed in different parts of the world. Of the tea produced worldwide, 78% is black tea (produced by fermentation), which is preferred by consumers in Western countries, 20% is green tea, which is commonly consumed in Asian countries, and 2% is Oolong tea (produced by partial fermentation).</em><br><em>The possible beneficial health effects of tea are being extensively investigated and have received a great deal of attention in recent times. Several studies show that black tea contains a number of compounds that reduce the risk of disease.</em><br><em>Heme proteins, that is, proteins containing one or several heme groups, are of immense importance for life on earth). They are involved in a wide range of fundamental cellular processes such as storage and transport of gaseous molecules (e.g. globins), energy conservation (photosynthetic and respiratory cytochromes), catalysis (e.g. detoxification enzymes such as catalase and cytochrome P450), and sensing changes in redox state or concentration of gaseous molecules.</em><br><em>Molecular absorption spectra of the proposed experimental variants were obtained using a T92 Plus UV-VIS spectrophotometer manufactured by PG Instruments U.K.</em></p> Constantin BUTOI, Alexandra Ioana IONESCU, Viorel SCHIOPU, Georgeta POPESCU Copyright (c) 2025 Constantin BUTOI, Alexandra Ioana IONESCU, Viorel SCHIOPU, Georgeta POPESCU https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1564 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 STATUS OF THE ORNITHOFAUNA IN URBAN AREAS https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1569 <p><em>The study area is represented by the city of Varna, focusing on bird populations within this urban agglomeration. Varna’s diverse urban landscape provides an important case for examining both the species composition and distribution of birds, as well as the mechanisms by which species spread and establish themselves within city limits.</em><br><em>This research employs transect sampling across test plots, which are uniformly sized squares distributed throughout the entire urban area. This systematic approach enables a comprehensive survey of the ornithofauna across different types of urban habitats, allowing for detailed mapping of species diversity and population density.</em></p> <p><em>The paper presents the findings on species composition, emphasizing patterns of movement and settlement among various bird populations in response to the unique pressures and resources found in urban settings. By understanding these mechanisms, this research contributes to urban biodiversity conservation and sheds light on the adaptability and resilience of bird species in the face of urbanization.</em>T</p> Ivaylo IVANOV, Rositsa DAVIDOVA, Maria KASCHIEVA Copyright (c) 2025 Ivaylo IVANOV, Rositsa DAVIDOVA, Maria KASCHIEVA https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1569 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 RESEARCHING CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1574 <p><em>Conservation agriculture is an agricultural system that significantly contributes to climate change adaptation in many countries around the world. Many farmers in the Republic of Moldova are adopting this system and applying it successfully. Unfortunately, agricultural science has lagged for various reasons. A field experiment was conducted on the lands of the National Centre for Research and Seed Production to identify the main issues in cultivating corn under no-tillage systems compared to traditional agricultural systems. The results were next: the germination of cover crops, both in mixed and pure stands, was successful. The amount of water accumulated in the soil during the autumn-winter period was strongly influenced by soil management methods. The highest amount of water, 126 mm, was recorded in the variant where the soil was covered with plant residues. In the autumn-spring period, the cover crops formed up to 10.5 tons per hectare of above-ground dry biomass. Corn grain production ranged from 2.50 to 5.41 tons per hectare in 2023. The general conclusion was that research in conservation agriculture is highly complex and requires time and resources to be conducted successfully. A new research project has been established. The main objectives have been set, and initial investigations have been carried out. To successfully study conservation agriculture, unique and simple, as well as complex and multifactorial experiments, are necessary, along with the demonstration of result.</em></p> Mihail RURAC, Anatolie SPIVACENCO, Anatolie MELECA, Nicolai CAZMALI, Ion BACEAN, Boris NAZAR Copyright (c) 2025 Mihail RURAC, Anatolie SPIVACENCO, Anatolie MELECA, Nicolai CAZMALI, Ion BACEAN, Boris NAZAR https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1574 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO WATER STRESS OF SOME PLANT SPECIES FROM THE DOMOGLED-CERNA VALLEY PROTECTED AREA https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1561 <p><em>Domogled-Cerna Valey is a protected area characterized by a climate with sub-Mediterranean influences. The lithological and pedological substrate, as well as the specific climate, have given a xerophilic character to the area's flora and vegetation. But even for the vegetation adapted to these conditions, climate changes with very long periods of drought have created significant physiological imbalances, which in the longer term (if those conditions are maintained) will cause changes in the structure of the habitats.</em><br><em>The determinations were made in Tesna-Valley Natural Reserve, and the plants studied were Genista tinctoria, Cerastium banaticum, Dianthus petraeus, Hypericum rochelii. The very low values of the photosynthesis intensities determined in 2024, low biomass accumulations, and the decrease in the growth rate, affecting also the flowering and fruiting processes. If these conditions continue to</em> <em>manifest in the coming years, it is possible that the number of individuals in the populations will change significantly.</em></p> Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR, Ion NICOLAE Copyright (c) 2025 Luminița BUȘE-DRAGOMIR, Ion NICOLAE https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1561 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 VARIATION OF HEMIN PROTEIN CONCENTRATION IN GREEN TEA AFTER SWEETENING https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1567 <p><em>Green tea is obtained by processing the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Tea contains active substances that act on the central nervous system, the circulatory system and is a good diuretic. It is rich in mineral salts and vitamins, especially vitamin C, and helps to strengthen the immune system. Tea leaves contain tannins, amino acids, carbohydrates and essential oils that give the tea its colour and flavour. Green tea is recognized for its high antioxidant potential, being very rich in polyphenolic compounds, vitamins, and pro-vitamins.</em><br><em>Chlorophyll is remarkably similar in structure to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment found in the red blood cells of mammals and other vertebrates</em><br><em>Hemoproteins are the photosynthetic and respiratory cytochromes, involved in electron transfer, and the globin that bind oxygen.</em><br><em>In order to determine the variation of heme protein concentration in green tea after sweetening, UV-VIS optical spectrometry and mathematical statistics were used.</em></p> Alexandra Ioana IONESCU, Constantin BUTOI, Viorel SCHIOPU, Georgeta POPESCU Copyright (c) 2025 Alexandra Ioana IONESCU, Constantin BUTOI, Viorel SCHIOPU, Georgeta POPESCU https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1567 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF VARIETY AND SOME TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS ON FRUIT FIRMNESS AND PRODUCTIVITY ON THREE APRICOT VARIETIES CULTIVATED AT THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STATION FOR FRUIT GROWING BĂNEASA, BUCHAREST https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1572 <p><em>The nutritional value of apricots, the high production potential of apricot trees, the fact that the trees bear fruit relatively early, and the ripening of the fruit occurs during a period when there is a scarcity of other fruits, making it relatively easy to market at high prices, make apricot a species desired by farmers for their orchards. In order to study the influence of certain technological factors on fruit quality, particularly regarding resistance to handling, transport, and storage, we selected three well-known varieties on the market: Amiral, Goldrich, and Olimp grafted on to the rootstock Constanta 14, which imparts favorable characteristics. We also conducted determinations on the influence of planting distances on productivity, analyzing planting distances of 4.0 x 1.5 m and 4.0 x 2.0 m. The best results were obtained for the Amiral variety, where the statistical results were rated as significant compared to the other varieties, for both planting distance variants (4.0 x 1,5 m - 9.02 t/ha and at 4.0 x 2,0 m - 10.90 t/ha. Till the end of the growing season, treatments with calcium-based products were applied, with the final objective of observing their effect on the firmness of the fruit pulp. Among the analyzed varieties, the best firmness, important for good storage resistance, was determined for the Goldrich variety planted at 4.0 x 2.0 m- 2.67 kgf/cm² treated with Ca compared to the variant planted at 4.0 x 2.0 m but not treated with calcium with the firmness value- 1.82 kgf/cm². There are varieties that may respond differently to treatments, as Olimp variety, which had a higher yield without treatment. This shows that not all varieties respond uniformly to treatments and that there may be genetic variability in their ability to utilize available nutrients.</em></p> Nicoleta OLTENACU, Catalin-Viorel OLTENACU, Mihaela OLARU, Andreea UDREA BRASLĂ, Damian DRAGOMIR, Vlăduț HOLT, Adrian BASARABĂ Copyright (c) 2025 Nicoleta OLTENACU, Catalin-Viorel OLTENACU, Mihaela OLARU, Andreea UDREA BRASLĂ, Damian DRAGOMIR, Vlăduț HOLT, Adrian BASARABĂ https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1572 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF WINE TOURISM MODEL IN THE OLTENIA REGION https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1584 <p><em>Wine tourism model is an industry with great prospects for economic development in the rural areas of the Oltenia Region. This study develops a conceptual framework of wine tourism model through a review of the relevant literature and an exploratory study of the Oltenia region. Although it has a wine industry with development prospects, the region is well positioned to market new tourism products after the COVID-19 pandemics, which contain the wine experience and product based on a unique regional identity in Romania.</em><br><em>The maps made in this exploratory study can thus be integrated with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) databases to better understand the environmental exploration and defining elements of Romanian vineyards.</em><br><em>For the map with defining elements of vineyards in Romania (for the tourism model), focused on the Oltenia region exploratory study, the data were downloaded from National Institute of Statistics (NIS), for the year 2023.</em><br><em>In conclusion, we believe that it is necessary to develop new wine products after the COVID-19 pandemic, containing the wineries and vineyards of the South-West Oltenia region, but also the organization of wine festivals, because they can provide a favorable environment for the development of new collaborative partnerships and investments between wine producers and stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality industry.</em></p> Ionuț-Adrian DRĂGULEASA, Emilia CONSTANTINESCU, Marilena Alina PRIOTEASA, Maria Mădălina BĂNUȚ, Mirela MAZILU Copyright (c) 2025 Ionuț-Adrian DRĂGULEASA, Emilia CONSTANTINESCU, Marilena Alina PRIOTEASA, Maria Mădălina BĂNUȚ, Mirela MAZILU https://anale.agro-craiova.ro/index.php/aamc/article/view/1584 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000